Stay motivated! As previously stated, Gifted Hands cares for your overall health which includes mental health and empowerment. Below, I have given monthly motivational quotes to incorporate into your daily lifestyle. It will also be great to pass these along to someone in need.
September: Get your workout on, at least 3 times per week for increased health benefits
August: Send daily positive energy with your kids as they return back to school. It will carry them throughout the school year
July 2024: Celebrate yourself this month, with a health and wellness massage session.
June 2024: Set reachable and reasonable goals for yourself and family and meet them one by one
May 2024: When I lost all my excuses... I found my results
April 2024: The focus is to be a great follower so that you become a great leader in the future. Follow the Wise!
March 2024: Don't get caught up in the March Madness
Feb. 2024: It's better to Know than not to know
January 2024: It's just a new beginning
December: Whenever you do something, give it your all and be sure not to brag or boast when you win.
November: Be the best version of you as much as possible!
October: Focus on living your life on old fashion Principals and Morals, it works out better.
September: Before you judge someone, be sure to remember that you don't know their story. Be kind to everyone.
August 2023: Touch is powerful. Be sure to hug someone or shake someone's hand today and add a compliment with that also, you'll make their day or week Great.
July 2023: If you like it, I love it! No judgment here!
June 2023: There's nothing new under the sun! It's a repeated cycle
May 2023: Always remember that there's someone in a worse situation than you are.
April 2023: Don't allow your verbiage to supercede your actions. Let them be equal, mean what you say!